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KAIASSE, teaching the Values

“That is what we teach, to be at peace with yourself, so you will know who you are and where you want to go. You will know where to go if you know where you come from. That is why we want to share that kind of philosophy. That is the KAIASSE spirit.”

KAIASSE hails from Sainte-Suzanne, a commune of the island of Reunion. It is an association that promotes and promulgates culture and values to the next generation, primarily through moringue, the martial art and dance of Reunion, and the Filipino arts of Kali, Eskrima and Arnis. Hence, KAIASSE stands for Kiltir, Animation, Insertion, Artisanat, Solidarité, Sports, Environnement, as well as Kali Arnis Insertion Arts Sport Silat Eskrima.

The organization was founded in 1996 under the joint leadership of Jean Claude Calimoutou, KAIASSE’s chief instructor for all disciplines, and Max Barege Carpin, the administrator and manager of the group. At first, it was a school for moringue, a discipline similar to capoeira, before incorporating arnis into its repertoire. Currently, it boasts 200 students in various sports, guided by 10 instructors for moringue and 10 instructors for arnis, who travel the world to train and compete, spreading the name of KAIASSE far and wide.

Ever since 2008, the members of KAIASSE have been travelling to Cebu, Philippines every year for training and certification, studying under the Filipino Grand Masters while partaking in competitions as well. Through this, they share the culture of Reunion while respectfully learning the ways of the Philippines.

Over the years, and through the efforts of its members, KAIASSE has seen successes and victories in tournaments and events around the globe, including the biennial WEKAF (World Eskrima Kali Arnis Federation) championship. Thanks to these triumphs, the humble club from Reunion has grown to become renowned across France and beyond for moringue and arnis. The organization and its members have proven themselves time and time again as they travel the world. They have become champions in their own right.

“KAIASSE is sports, culture and the way you behave.”

Yet deep down in its roots, KAIASSE teaches more than martial arts and sports. The association seeks to preserve the culture and identity of Reunion and spread it across the world, while exchanging ideas and values with others as well. Through this, it creates a bond, a family, a brotherhood unlike any other. KAIASSE breaks down barriers, it is an association without boundaries. It allows people to know who they are and where they come from, so they can see their potentials and gain the power to actualize themselves.

It is for this reason that, every year without fail, KAIASSE celebrates the abolition of slavery by taking to the streets of Sainte-Suzanne, making music with drums and partaking in festivities with countless people, citizens young and old alike, and even the mayor. This emphasis on sharing cultures was also evident when KAIASSE visited the Philippines in 2012 and cooperated with Cubacub Martial Arts Club Inc. in Mandaue, Cebu to create a school that would teach moringue, the CMAKAIASSE Club.

KAIASSE respects embraces history and tradition, and passes it on, transmitting and sharing what has been given, so that the culture will never die, so that those of the next generation – who hold the future in their hands – will be proud of themselves and empowered to make a difference.

“What we do is very humble, but little by little, we built something gigantic and phenomenal.”

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